Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Knitting Ideas

Don`t tell me there's nothing you can knit in the summer!

dish cloths

Cami or tank tops


Smim wear

what ever happend to...

My Stitch n Bitch?

Good question!

Most of the ladies in my group decided that knitting is a none summer activity and

 stopped coming to said meetings of yarn and coffee. Linda my solid had to stop coming 

due to medical reasons. which is understandable.

has anyone else had this issue?

Meeting becoming none existant because KNITTING IS NOT FOR SUMMER...

Well its summer and im still knitting, getting a jump start on my early fall items.

I don`t care what they say. knitting is for everyday, every season every year.

one day they`ll see.

one day.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tumblr took me

Sorry I haven't been posting as often as I used to here is the recap:

Tumblr and I found each other on April 12th 2012.

An im am so addicted....

2 away from having 110 followers so yeah im pretty jazzed.
I will start posing more here yarny goodness and leave the random for tumblr.

If you wish to look over what im up to there here is my LINK