Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 2012

So a lot has been going on this month.
what with Christmas and new years right around the corner.
the craft show over with thank god. although we did hand out a lot of business cards we only sold 13$ worth of knitted goods D; I have to make more business cards soonish.

my work had a angel tree where you could pick a star and you bought the item on the star and brought it back in unwrapped. i pick a star the was a gift for a mother and it said scarf.

\so i donated one of the ones i had made for the sale.
Im working on a seed/drop stitch scarf right now and i need to make a bright yellow hot pink thing for my friend kitty becuase those are her favorite colours :D

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I've decided to launch a company!!!!  With the help of facebook pages, etsy online shop, and random craft shows (Thread)nique is slowly becoming more then a blog. 
(Thread)nique Is a creative collaboration, spinning out handmade goods to the masses 
Me and my little brother are gonna take this thing to the next level.
I'm already working on bussiness cards, and anything we dont sell at the craft shop will be sold on our etsy shop!!!

more later <3 p="p">

Monday, September 3, 2012

It's back to school time bitches!

But not for me no no, me poor me work's 3-11pm full time thought out the week and on my weekends that are always off I'm knitting every spare moment i get  in preparation for Craft Shows.
your heard right this year me and my younger brother will be entering the world of craft fair.
armed with our scarf, coffee cozies, collages and coasters. We shall rule in the only crafty way we know how.

So this will be my first craft show and I'm booth will be called (Thread)nique  just like my blog <3 p="p">

Here is  The Ultimate Craft Show Guide   The wisdom on this page can not be expressed in words...just go there its like the craft show bible.

anyways here are some ideas for my table that i am currently working on ATM :)


I am currently building this structure out of connectible grids, (pictures later)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So, your probably wondering why I haven't been blogging as much these days.


I had to find a new roomie to take my place in the apartment I shared with two other girls. 
And yes I had to  deal with all of the drama that ensued :S 

I moved home at the end of June.
 My mother and me drove through 7 towns to get back to cow town :)

June 22 i got a frog in my throat; Which turned into Whooping Cough and Pneumonia
yippee. I Am currently on 200$ worth of meds because I do not have health coverage ;(

aside from trying to get over my illness, Im also trying to track down  Full time employment
so that I can finish my collage courses.

And on top of all of this i have to deal with my father being in town and gutting my mothers house of his "things". I havnt seen the man since October. And no we do not keep in touch.

Currently sitting outside on my mothers porch listening to Regina Spektor.
Working on my resume/blogging.
And flipping through the kijiji job ads.
Trying to stay out of my fathers way,
 so that these next couple of days go smoothly.

Ive completed
4 scarfs
countless coffee cozies
a couple of collages
and two purses
ALL for the November craft sale, that I want to enter with my brother.
He has been i-cording  hot pads for pots, knitting up some coffee cozies and crocheting a handsome
red scarf. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Knitting Ideas

Don`t tell me there's nothing you can knit in the summer!

dish cloths

Cami or tank tops


Smim wear

what ever happend to...

My Stitch n Bitch?

Good question!

Most of the ladies in my group decided that knitting is a none summer activity and

 stopped coming to said meetings of yarn and coffee. Linda my solid had to stop coming 

due to medical reasons. which is understandable.

has anyone else had this issue?

Meeting becoming none existant because KNITTING IS NOT FOR SUMMER...

Well its summer and im still knitting, getting a jump start on my early fall items.

I don`t care what they say. knitting is for everyday, every season every year.

one day they`ll see.

one day.