Tuesday, October 12, 2010

knitting while the leaves fall one by one to the ground

finding a good cafe is key to successful completion of project you have to finishes for christmas.
Good coffee,music,warmth, random people coming and going random tail ends of
So far i like second cup because its more comfy then
williams, starbucks if i wasnt so busy and im on the hunt for a cute urban off the side of the road place in the oakville toronto area suggestions anyone? im looking for a coffee spot that not
to busy but is still warm enough to curl up

and read a book
or wait
for a friend.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy ThanksGiving 2010

turkey eaten by : My family 5 people, My sister boyfriends family 7 attending out of 9, and our close family friend and new boyfriend
total people at our 2010 thanksgiving

We had: turkey, rice stuffing, cranberry sauce, butternut squash,sweet potatoes,mashed potatoes,candied carrots,rolls,minted peas,gravy,poppy seed salad,pumpkin pie, apple turnovers, ice cream, pop and wine